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HomeAbout UsFramework
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HTAIn consists of a DHR in-house Secretariat, Technical Appraisal Committee (TAC), Technical Partners(TP) and Regional Resource Hubs.

The Secretariat co-ordinates between User Departments, TAC, TPs/ Resource Hubs and the Board. User Departments could be Central and State Health Ministries or any Government Healthcare Provider or Agency that are directly or indirectly involved in the health sector in India.

User department(s) give their topic(s) to the Secretariat. The topics are prioritized and allocated to an appropriate TP/ Resource Hub to conduct the HTA study.

HTA proposals as well as the outcome of the studyis appraised by the TAC and stakeholders. Thereafter, final outcome is forwarded to the User Department. Secretariat is the point of co-ordination for TAC, TP and User Department.

HTAIn Secretariat or Secretariat is a DHR-in-house body that co- ordinates between the User Department, TAC and TP/ Resource Hubs. Secretariat takes the topic from the user department, prioritizes it, identifies the potential TP and allocates the topic to them to conduct HTA study. It keeps monitoring the progress of the study and also provides necessary assistance to the TP wherever required. Secretariat can also undertake topics for HTA analysis in certain situations. Besides that, secretariat conducts all the TAC and Stakeholders consultation meetings in DHR and ensures transparency at all stages of HTA by consultation and regular updates.

The Secretariat takes up the topic(s) for assessment from the user departments, prioritizes it, identifies the potential TPs and allocates the topic to them to develop the research proposal and present it to the TAC and later to conduct the HTA study. The Secretariat monitors the progress of the study and provides necessary assistance to the TP wherever required.

The Secretariat can also initiate topics for HTA analysis in certain situations. The Secretariat organizes all the TAC and Stakeholders consultation meetings and the meeting of the Board, in DHR and ensures transparency at all stages of HTA by consultation with stakeholders and regular updates.

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